Astrology has evaluated similarly to other fields of knowledge and after discovering in 2005 object 2003 UB313 (orbiting beyond Pluto’s track) likewise after discovering Uranus, Neptune and Pluto previously binding order matching in XX century known planets with zodiac signs may turn out to be insufficient. Frankly speaking some astrologists have timidly associated the planetoids (with the biggest one Ceres) with Virgo. However only discovery of 2003 UB313 will surely cause another modification of the whole astrological system of the “horizon travellers” and their ruling over particular zodiac signs.

This newly discovered planet, slightly bigger than Pluto and twice slower, travels at the edges of our Solar System. The orbit of the planet is in the shape of a very flat ellipse bent at the angle of 44° to the ecliptic. Its almost 557 year-long cycle suggests it should gain the status of a generation planet. Such a slow orbiting means long-standing series of planet-energetic stimuli absorbed almost in the same place of a horoscope leading to long-term or generation results. Due to the slow movement and frequent retrograde, its location in a horoscope has to mean (like Pluto) deeply rooted patterns, beliefs or values in distant past and they are not subject to easy or fast changes.
Previous conclusions based on still short observations and their influences would suggest its ruling over Taurus and “Shepard of the Nature” function. Then it would include wealth with universal values. Its meaning would refer to yin element and was responsible for widely understood the laws of nature, rhythms, cycles, seasonal transformations, ecology and ability to survive in the earth ecosystem.
Presumably Proserpina (previously Venus) would be responsible for system of values (faith that some beliefs are correct and others are not) and attitude towards property. The location of Proserpina in a zodiac sign, dwadasamsa (probably expended to the sign’s length) and mainly in a house, its aspects and location in Taurus, the second house and its ruler with some aspects or any connections with Proserpina would describe someone’s ability to earn a living, collect and use any goods or gain and sustain someone’s properties.
For thousands of years our ethical and moral codes, system of raising and collapsing religious faiths and our knowledge of the surrounding world have changed. Our viewpoint is constantly being transformed. New means of communication and transport, new branches of science, industry and economy have developed. However the system of values (Taurus functions and the second house) of the individuals has not evaluated in such a bewildering speed as the one astrologically connected with functions of Jupiter, Sagittarius, the ninth house or Mercury, Gemini and the third house. Both in ancient times and current civilizations gold, diamonds, possessing terrains or water supplies and food always have retained desirable value – so closely associated with the symbolics of Taurus and the second house.
Certainly the discovery of 2003 UB313 not accidentally refers to already visible effects of overexploitation of natural resources, climatic changes and only apparently unexpected weather mad transformations. The basic law of nature states that nothing is for free and for any profit we have to sometimes pay a lot and even pay through the nose.
The fact is that due to human plundering mentality nature budget of our planet may no last any more. It is human greed that people destroy the world we live in. We are living focused on gathering a lot of money making is easier to quench our sensual pleasures. We have polluted our environment, rarely willing to clean it up. Furthermore we hardly give up our material benefits even to one’s good. With destructive greed we are drawing from the ecological account without realizing that for any consumption we will have to pay. To aware the necessity of altering the current system of values let me remind you that highly developed cultures of Mesopotamia and outstanding civilizations of the Olmec, people of Teotihuacan and the Maya collapsed when they plundered their supplies. Therefore it seems to be an urgent need to define what we should give up to harmonize economy with natural ecosystems and create new and healthy relationships between a man and the nature.
Nothing lasts forever but only alters in repeated cycles of births and deaths what ancient Greeks so gracefully included in their Eleusinian mysteries (fully accessible to the initiated) where main characters were Pluto (Hades), Ceres (Demeter) and the mentioned Proserpina (Persephone).
The discovery should make us realize that in nature there have always been present rhythms and cycles constantly influencing on our planetary existence. Unfortunately almost all human interferences in the nature cause disastrous, for it and themselves, consequences. Asking a question if a homo sapiens is able to protect the planet against them may help us to realize our inextricable connection between a man and their earthly and cosmic environment. It may be helpful to reconstruct lost resources of knowledge a long time ago (maybe even very long) and consider natural laws as superior to others. All of human plans, dreams, development of civilization are linked with the nature and our actions without considering its laws are not only senseless but also dangerous. The nature without a man will survive, a man without the nature – never will! Therefore only global change of values system may cause (or force) actions directed towards environmental protection as a part of future challenges eliminating our still raising ecological debt.
We may assume that Proserpina, providing patronage for nature laws (patiently until the nature itself) protects those who obey them and live in accordance with them.
It destroys those whose short-term results arose from wasteful exploitation of resources and violation of eternal nature laws. Its long-term cycle reveals the value of understanding great rhythms of biosphere and acting in accordance with its clues.
Mythological Proserpina (Persephone) deeply absorbed surrounding nature, intensively taking it in by means of all senses. She admired the harmony present in her ecological paradise. She resembled a famous in contemporary literature cheerful “Ferdinand the Bull” which “…also smells flowers; poppy, daisies, buttercups, cornflowers, listens how forests and leaves hum and is probably happy”. Persephone was the daughter produced by the union of Zeus and Demeter. It happened when Zeus took a form of a bull and Demeter a heifer. It helps to explain so strong affection for nature (similar to ecological fascinations of zodiacal Taurus) and produced in this way daughter.
After kidnapping Proserpina (Persephone) by a mighty and wealthy King of the Underworld – Pluto (Hades) she gained access to innumerable treasures he had gathered although certainly not without his vigilant control. Thanks to the kidnapping both of them did a great business (speaking of possessions). Possessing as well underworld treasures as riches of the earth fauna and flora they became the richest heavenly couple, giving an example of acting harmonious and material opposition; Taurus – Scorpio.
Proserpina (Persephone) herself came from a wealthy family. Her overworked mother Ceres – Demeter (associated probably with Virgo) the goddess of grain and agriculture – she ruled over cycles and changes in earth nature, cultivation, growing, storing and dividing crops (hence the saying: “Virgo works but Taurus earns or possesses” is now easier to understand). Persephone enjoyed the ecological and material comfort on the earth but also prosperity created by her incredibly wealthy husband.
If observations confirm the power of Proserpina (2003 UB313/136199 Eris) over Taurus it will mean that rulers of fixed signs, changing unwillingly or easily their attitudes or established statements, but the most consistent and persistent in achieving their needs, plans and passions (Taurus and Scorpio) are the most slowly moving astrological objects around the Sun – Pluto (248 years) and Proserpina (557 years).
It is the biggest object of the planetoids appearing between orbits of Mars and Jupiter. For half of a century after the discovery, it was considered as a planet (still binding in some, mainly western astrological schools). It was discovered in 01.01.1801 by Giuseppe Piazzi (born 07.07.1746) but due to his illness he could not observe it any more. Only after drawing up a method of counting (octic polynomial) its orbits parameters by a brilliant mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss (born 30.04.1777) at the end of 1801 it was found again.
Now it is clear that Ceres (moving in the centre of the asteroids belt) contains approximately 1/3 of the mass of revolving there objects (its diameter – 975 km is about 2.5 times smaller than Pluto and it requires 4.6 year (1.682 days) to go round the Sun.
After discovering the belt of planetoids (appearing in accordance with Titius-Bodega rule) some astronomers glad that the celestial object will enrich astrological interpretations, suggested so that Cares (and others) ruled over Virgo. Then each of the planetoids would represent a different field of experience referring to the tendency of atomization of each problem and the need of specialization connected with zodiac features. However more and more discoveries in this part of the sky caused data overload (the number of appearing there objects increases due to their mutual collisions). Before computerizating the world counting their location and using calculations in astrological practice was extremely difficult. Mass of new data caused subsequent interpretative problems (especially for beginning astrologers). In the belt one should search like Cinderella in the ash to sift the information and precisely pick out the valuable one. Our present astrological knowledge lets us recognize Ceres as the Planetoids ruler (from the biggest to the smallest ones) and the ruler of Virgo so astonishingly familiar with mass of pieces and details.
Mythological Ceres (Demeter) was the goddess of harvest and vegetation, any earthly agricultural produce and human activity. She was showed as golden-haired patron of harvests with a wreath of ears of grain, flowing to feet robes, a torch and a sheaf of grain in hands. In all the places she was warmly invited, she taught people to cultivate grains, herbs and other useful plants. But where she was shown not sufficient respect she punished severely. Being farmers and hosts’ protector she was incessantly engaged in helping others by means of her work teaching them diligent and methodical conduct. When a new lamb was born she was indispensable on pastures and meadows. During harvest she supported eagerly on fields and around barns taking care of just distribution of duties and crops. Protecting crops she cared about efficient saving people’s labour. As the goddess of harvest she was precise and scrupulous. She proved the sense of analysis and order and her thrifty presence influenced ladies of the house putting the first bread from new crops into the oven. Being herself a hard-working mother (but not married!) she was able to teach efficient housework, healthy cooking and cleaning. She also performed important official functions since it was her whom clerks swore an oath promising to obey regulations strictly, written and customary laws and fulfill their duties diligently.
Thrifty Demeter, although overworked, cared about her daughter Persephone (Proserpina) produced by Zeus after taking a form of a bull (interesting that to come Proserpina into being, possibly zodiacal Taurus must have appeared). The girl spent her time on careless play with nymphs and everlasting lively dancing among sprinkled with flowers meadows, shady, filled with birds’ singing forests and golden beaches. Demeter knowing her affection for colourful, fragrant flowers let her pick them and weave garlands and decorate robes. She only warned her not to pick narcissi – flowers waking disturbing senses of desire belonging to Pluto (Hades) and sacrificed him. Nevertheless during one of the careless hikes to the bosom of nature, Persephone noticed among countless and colourful flowers incredibly beautiful narcissus, which had never ever been seen either in heaven or on earth. Persephone absorbing with suddenly woken senses, surrounding lush and colourful flora become intoxicated by the scent, deeply breathing, her eyes misted over and soon she forgot or ignored her mother’s warnings. She did not realize she was reaching for not her property. She looked round to see if she was alone, pulled the stem and picked the calyx. (In her still immature system of values sensual temptation turned into greed and no respect to others’ properties bringing on her disastrous consequences – opposition Taurus – Scorpio)
Suddenly earth split and a black carriage with a carter in night colour clothes and with a piercing and magnetic gaze of Pluto (Hades) appeared. He kidnapped senseless from impression Persephone and in spite of her little determined opposition he disappeared with her in the flash in the dark depths. Desperate Demeter without Mercurial gift of communication and gathering information, had been looking for her lost daughter for a long time but neither a god, man, animal nor a bird said her a word. Without Hermes’s sense of observation her methodical (even in the night glow of a torch) untiring searches turned out to be useless. Demeter had not eaten or drunk anything for 9 days and nights and even later instead of divine ambrosia she drank only kykeon – water with some mint and barley flour. (Therefore each Virgo has already been or will be on a diet stopped from time to time with fasting).
When she realized seeing already wilted flowers and petals of the narcissus dropped by Persephone that she was kidnapped by Hades (Demeter’s brother) out of despair she gave up doing her duties of the goddess of crops and harvest. “I shall not come back to Mount Olympus and the earth will not produce any crops until I see Persephone” – she said. Without her protection the earth stopped producing cereals or fruits. Harvest failure covered the earth, sowings and growings wilted and in the scorching heat of the Sun – like on the Sahara – rivers and springs dried. In the places where full of fauna and flora fertile soil surrounded the clear waters, one could here only the rustle of poured grains of sand. Abandoned people without any crops or sufficient supplies gathered for a rainy day, started starving.
Wandering through barren and poor country, she took a form of an old lady. Then once king Keleos’s daughters next to wattle fencing of Eleusis noticed her. And they offered her a roof over her head. ” I might be useful at home. I know female works, I might make the beds and teach women some housework. I know many fairy tales and I am able to take care of small children.” – she said. She was accepted because she looked like one of the experienced and ingenious old ladies – women who take care of children and run a household in royal palaces. Therefore she took care of Demofoont, the youngest of princes, very puny and sickly. She said she would be a nanny as long as he would become taught and prepared to independent life. Olympian nanny, looking after his health did not feed him with earthly food but rubbed him with ambrosia and cleaned him from mortals’s failings in flames. In spite of long fasting the child did not seem to be starved and grew so fast as only gods could. These actions were noticed by the princess’s mother who not understanding old lady’s identity or powers, tore him out from her screaming. Devine nanny with regret left the crying child (Virgo has a different attitude to children than Cancer). But before she left she had given Eleusis people grains and a winged vehicle to sow life-giving grains when the days of drought were over.
In meantime Persephone, surrounded by countless treasures of Hades, not accosted by patient Pluto, most often spent her time in the underworld, splendid palace gardens. Attached to charms of earthly nature she had to confess, the one in the underworld depths was also fascinating.
Gods, worried about extended drought (ecological disaster), exerted so strong pressure on grimly quiet underworld ruler that eventually, although unwillingly, he agreed to their conditions. And so Persephone was supposed to spend only one third of a year with Hades and the rest of the time on earth with Demeter. In this way nature and life on earth was to regain its caring protectors.
Persephone glad with the idea of the come back to her mother and known earthly world, to her flowery meadows, met Pluto deep in thought. Approaching slowly they stopped and Hades reached out his hand with a pomegranate fruit on it. “This is for you, Persephone” – he said looking piercingly. “Have a taste of this. It is quite ripe”. Persephone grateful for his permission on her leaving the underworld, looking at the gift and his attentive countenance, playing with it, she broke the fruit and taking its seeds put them into her mouth. “It’s so kind of you to remember of me. Thank you, my uncle”. – she said to disappearing Hades in the distance. Having swallowed the seeds she realized it had been her first meal in the dark and mysterious underworld. And undoubtedly narcissus that had seduced her its magnetic scent also was a tempting gift from Hades. However she still did not figure it out that by giving double in captivating her senses magnetic gifts from Pluto, she became dependent on him. Only after time in the surface it came to her that unaware of his ruses (to Demeter despair) he confessed to having eaten disastrous seeds – symbol of marriage. That sealed her relationship with Pluto and tied her with the underworld filled with treasures forever. Since then, to Demeter sorrow, for the period of winter break she had to come back to her wealthy husband.
When Persephone appeared back on earth the world sparkled with all the colours of spring and the air invigorated mild wind. Birds singing, bees buzzing laced with the rustle of a stream and young, green leaves, the sight of colourful butterflies sitting on equally colourful flower buds brought her (and people) relief, joy and hope that regained harmony would never pass. Also Ceres – Demeter glad with regaining control over her daughter, could perform her duties of the goddess of harvest as well as any blooming and bearing fruits again. After a long break she let the earth to grow plentifully and people harvest by the sweat of their brows and certainly to store them more carefully to avoid in future lean years and in case of lack of food not voluntary or exhausting hunger.
Demeter, before her daughter came back to Olympus, had shared her divine knowledge with carefully chosen people who could attain it solely after long fasting, restraint and special preparations only by being initiated.
Demeter permitted people to establish in honour of both goddesses and in appreciation for their care of life on earth, complicated and still not totally revealed rituals – (Probably revealing them was punishable by death). We still do not know what secrets Persephone in the underworld was admitted to and in what range or under what conditions she shared with her mother and others.
At the end of summer when the Sun was leaving Virgo – marches from Athens to Eleusis set off. People walked hierarchically; priests, dignitaries, clerks, common people, the plebs and finally slaves (in Rome worship of Ceres was mainly popular among commoners). But solely the chosen ones were shared the secret knowledge gradually as a gift from Ceres – Demeter – the goddess of harvest, to the level of epoptai – the ones of the highest degree.
Also demigods were getting ready to great actions by fasting, meditating and contemplating. Before Heracles carried out his Twelve Labours he had been initiated into the Eleusinian mysteries including also esoteric knowledge supporting his superhuman physical powers which helped him to stay alive during many adventures.
Ceres – Demeter reproached herself for negligence on her daughter and had to understand that career should not be carried out at children’s expense. As a working mother she was forced to give up her continuous care for the daughter and after a long period of arguments she had to come to terms with Pluto – Hades. It is a symbol of internal transformation. (The phase of Virgo finishes the cycle of individual experience) essential before going to the phase of Libra initiating the sphere of collective experience.
Ceres – Demeter was showed with a wreath of ears of grain symbolizing the fruits of the earth and people’s labour and with a torch helpful in night searches.
Proserpina (Persephone) was showed with a wreath full of intoxicatingly smelling narcissi symbolizing the power of senses and a bunch of poppy in a hand suggesting flowery spring.
Both goddesses were personification of fertile and cultivated lands where people sow seeds and then harvest, build settlements and have a rest – in brief – wisely use natural sources and people’s labour lets lead affluent life. Their mutual efforts allowed people for efficient and continuous food production.
The myth of Proserpina (Persephone) and Ceres (Demeter) with Pluto (Hades) includes symbolic description of the whole earthly life; periods of full bloom and collapse. It helped the ancient to explain cyclic nature laws, seasonal rhythms, births, life, deaths and rebirths. The goddesses embodying the nature teach that also people are a part of it. May their influence be still favorable for the humankind as well as fauna and flora existing only on the thin Earth’s surface.
The revolution time of Proserpina (2003 UB313/136199 Eris), Ceres and Pluto around the Sun is much different. Ceres – 4.6, Pluto (248 years) and Proserpina (557 years). (Interesting that the slowest objects are 2003 UB313 and Pluto – rulers of the most stubborn and constant zodiac signs; Taurus and Scorpio). Earthly rhythms are also remarkably diverse. From incompletely short vibrations through rhythms lasting 24 hrs to cycles reaching hundred or thousand years. For example thermohaline circulation (waters washing our globe) includes the period of 1000 years (2 cycles of 2003 UB313, 4 cycles of Pluto, 6 of Neptune and 12 of Uranus).
Interweaving astrological and mythological plots we can see that even the smallest planets of our solar system (Ceres – 975 km, Pluto – 2.300 km, Proserpina – 2.400 km) explain interactions between a man, nature and cosmos.
Chart created with astrology software Urania